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If I Were Other Than Myself

Here s proof that children s poetry can be sophisticated, clever, enigmatic, mysterious and graceful without being inaccessible. Over the top praise? Not at all! This elegantly written book, beautifully illustrated by the author, is full of interwoven stories guaranteed to inspire the reader s imagination. Hardy-Dawson has the knack of capturing complex emotions in a few words true poetry. It s witty, wise and wonderful. I wish it had been published when I was young. I would have loved to grow up with it.

TUC for the Poetry Zone

There are so many delights in ‘If I Were Other Than Myself’, making this not only the essence of reading for pleasure, but also a valuable collection for teachers and parents.

North Somerset Teachers Book Awards.

‘If I Were Other Than Myself is a beautifully written, thought provoking collection by Sue Hardy-Dawson with illustrations from Sue’s own hand. Poems celebrate the beauty and fragility of nature, give insight into the human experience and take us into the realms of magic.

Charlotte Hacking Learning Programmes Lead at the CLPE

‘Sue has a talent for looking at the natural world and offering up fresh insights, ones that link natural and supernatural, reality and magic. Reading these poems changes you own some way, helps you look beyond what you've always thought about a subject, and heaven knows we all need poems such as these to help us through these troubled times.’

Brian Moses Ssssnake Hotel

Where Zebras Go CLiPPA shortlist 2018

It’s always exciting to discover a new voice in children’s poetry - and this debut collection from Yorkshire-born Sue Hardy-Dawson reveals a talent that is very special indeed. From reframing fairy tales with a wickedly playful eye for detail, to asking uncomfortable but important questions about our treatment of the planet that sustains us, this is writing that is sure to entertain, challenge and inspire your pupils. Often enigmatic and sometimes obscure, the language both demands and handsomely rewards close attention; each poem is an intriguing invitation to dive beneath the shimmering surface and discover deep layers of meaning. There’s plenty of wry humour, too, and the poet’s own illustrations are delightfully atmospheric. Hardy-Dawson regularly performs her work in schools -  dyslexic herself, she is clearly not at all inclined to underestimate the ability of her audience to engage with sophisticated wordplay as well as ambitious imaginative leaps. Where Zebras Go is, quite simply, a triumph.

Apes to Zebras an A to Z of Shape Poems

“This is an inspiring collection that really highlights how fascinating shape poems can be – and the imagination is your only limit when deciding how to set out your own poem. I love this book and hope it really enthuses children for poetry – it certainly deserves to.” –  Parents in Touch

“Featuring a full alphabetical array from the extraordinary and the exotic to the extinct and the non-existent from well-liked and recognised poets Liz Brownlee, Sue Hardy-Dawson & Roger Stevens, this will amaze, amuse and appeal to classes throughout the primary school and have them eagerly wanting to write their own shape poems.” –  The Reader Teacher, @MrEPrimary

“Apes to Zebras is eye-catchingly illustrated in bright colours with trailing, undulating text forming the shapes of the beasts. And as the poems are short and snappy, the book is ideal for sharing with EYFS children.” –  QA Nursery

“This is a book that will set children off on their own explorations of how words and images can be interlinked.” –  Brian Moses, Welcome to the Ssssssnake Hotel Blog

“Liz Brownlee, Sue Hardy-Dawson and Roger Stevens have created a truly memorable poetry book in 'Apes to Zebras'. They have selected almost laboratory like, perfect words with which to sculpt each animal focus into an image. Every subject is analysed, realised and almost eulogised in its own beautiful poem.” –  Bookwagon.


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